The original painting appeared in 1997 by Koorosh Orooj, with the technique of oil painting, on dark cardboard with dimensions of 31x46 cm. Then in 2016 he released a large version of this painting in the style of Profoundism. The dimensions of the final version of the digital profoundism are 8819 × 10583 cm (3472 x 4166 6 inches), 75 gigapixel and 300 GB, and it is only sold here once and then erased forever.This video, the world's first meticulous work of art to showcase the new artistic movement the style of Profoundism:
Any person or group from around the world who can sell digital profoundism artworks to the lovers of this unique art style in the world, we thank God and proudly and without any ceremony pay them 10% of the sales amount of each work Also, their names will be registered forever on the Supporters-Consultants page.
Original 300 GB file
of this digital profoundism artwork stored
on a portable SSD will be sent to the buyer. On this SSD will be the real signature of Koorosh Orooj, which guarantees the authenticity of the digital file for the buyer.
The world's second infrastructure painting that shows the precision of the Profoundism art movement